Our Products

  • Be One top.jpg
    Be One The air conditioning control device "Be ONE" has a history of 18 years and a delivery record of more than 30,000 units with automatic control to reduce electricity bills an...

  • LED Top.png
    LED(Replace, install, repair, expand)For factory lighting, office lighting, outdoor lighting, store lighting, and residential lighting.

  • TOP Eco Top.jpg
    TOP ECO Frigerant device ”TOP ECO” Achieves energy saving of 10% to 20% at maximum electricity cost.Introduced to over 100 companies around the world.

  • Adgreen top.png
    Adgreencoat High quality heat reflective coating from Japan with an innovation of nano-ceramic particles call "Admafine" in spherical shape at0.5µm sized mixed in coating material ...

  • Ariores top.jpg
    Ariores "ARIORES" solves the problem of red water and red rust in pipes. Realizes production efficiency improvement and cost reduction.           แอริโอเรส คืออุปกรณ์ขจัดคราบสนิมแล...
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